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You’ve probably heard the saying “Your voice is powerful”. Well, it is and I will tell you why expressing it is important for you as a woman. First, I must clarify that when I speak of voice, it is easy to think only in terms of the vocal sounds we make. However, voice extends beyond this and expressing it is all about standing up for what matters to you, making your position clear and expressing yourself authentically.

In a world where expectations and stereotypes attempt to confine us as women, here are 5 reasons you should not suppress your voice.

01 Emotional  & Mental 
Suppressing your voice can lead to feelings of frustration, resentment, anxiety and internalised anger which affect your mental health, and emotional well-being.

02 Impact on Relationships
It is not ok but you say nothing. You have an opinion but you don't  share it. Suppressing your voice can negatively impact your relationships such as those with your partner, child(ren) and colleagues at work.

03 Missed Opportunities
You have the skill but no one knows about it. You have a problem but you don't tell anyone or ask for help. Suppressing your voice will only ensure that you miss valuable opportunities.

04 Self Confidence
Suppressing your voice can erode your self-confidence and diminish your sense of personal power. When you consistently suppress your thoughts and ideas, you may start doubting your own abilities, worth, and value.

05 Self-Expression & Authenticity
Do you know how frustrating it is not to feel seen, heard or understood? That's what suppressing your voice does to you.

Now that you know this, I guess the next question is “Why do women stay silent and what can we (as women) do about it? Well, here is a chance to have a conversation with other women and share your thoughts.

Join us for the below event happening online on Saturday, 27th May 2023. Attendance is free but registration is required.

Click here to register

A Well-being Webinar
Beyond Silence: Embrace Your Power to Speak Up and Be Heard
Overcoming the fear of expressing yourself authentically as a woman


Basirat Razaq-Shuaib
PhD Candidate, University of Cambridge & Founder, The Blooming Mum

Busola Odeyale
Founder, Emerging Fearless

Lara Kayode
Founder & Managing Partner, O. Kayode & Co

27 May, 2023
5.00pm- 6.00pm

Get ready to embrace the power within and unlock your authentic voice. Your voice is POWERFUL!

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